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Coreo Sports Network.

Bringing E-Sports all the Adrenaline through online ​media.

Our Leagues Currently ​Partnered With The CSS ​(Coreo Sports System)

Warning!, we only accept requests from leagues ​who dont want tax money from us, we’re a ​payment free business incorporated.

CBHL (Not actually apart of ​coreo, just in the CSS program, ​and HEXTV Program.)

HHCO ​(Technically.)

CBHL’s “Soccer” League.


Email (Request for League’s)


Where CSN’s homes of entertainment is!

Due to maintence, the streaming and ​viewing has been paused, as this, we’ve ​gave reports to our fellow leagues, as a ​backdoor, HEXTV, was stopped due to ​up coming projects at Coreo ​Corporation, hopefully you understand ​dear page viewer.

This Is A Coreo Verified Website.

This website was licensed (and proudly owned)

By Coreo Corporation and Mikolaj.

Letter C Photo Frame

This website is verified by the Coreo Corporation

Company, due to scams please check actual websites and our ​list for websites actually by Coreo Corporation.